COVID-19 Pandemic Prayer Guide
Prayer—the amazing gift from God that allows us to connect our heart with His. We can praise Him, thank Him, confess, cry out for our needs and lift others up to Him through prayer. Prayer is powerful and effective. It is often when things get scary and difficult we return to Him in prayer, but when we pray continually, as He desires, we are transformed. Prayer has the power to transform families and at Engage Family Ministries, we’d like to challenge you to deepen your prayer life “together” as a family during this pandemic.
Our family has been praying for the COVID-19 pandemic as it unfolds, but to be honest our prayers have been rather flat. “Be with the people who are sick.” “Help the doctors and nurses to stay healthy.” “Help people who are feeling lonely or afraid.” All of this is good, but there is so much more! I decided to reach out to friends and ask what they’ve been praying about during this time, and was overwhelmed with the positive response. On Sunday, my phone was flooded with texts from containing prayer requests. It was life-giving to read these requests and pray along with them.

We have created a “COVID-19 Pandemic Prayer Guide” to inspire and prompt you to pray. May we all develop the discipline of prayer in both the good times and times of trouble. Yes, you can pray individually; but we challenge you to pray together daily as a family. Many of you are home with a cleared scheduled. We could easily fill that time with meaningless and self-serving things, but what would happen to our families if we spent time together and shared what was on our hearts and lifted others up?
Our family printed the prayer guide and cut all of the prayer requests apart. We put them in a mug that we pass around at dinner and everyone draws one or two requests. Each person then looks up and reads aloud the Bible verse printed on the paper and prays the request aloud. Our hope is that each person will then add a prayer in their own words, but we have found that our kids are learning more about prayer even in just reading the requests.

You can download a pdf of the prayer guide here.

Please share the link to this blog so that others can join you in praying through the list.
Engage Family Ministries wants to walk alongside you and your family during this time. Like or follow us on Facebook, and you can message us or email us your personal prayer requests, and we will pray for you.
Please share how your family is using the “COVID-19 Pandemic Prayer Guide” by commenting below or on social media.